Monday, June 15, 2009

Makkal Osai Suspended!

The 25th of August 2007 was a dark day for the Tamil Daily, Makkal Osai as it was banned for a month due to publishing a controversial and religion sensitive picture, as its front page. The picture shows Jesus Christ holding a can of beer while puffing on a cigarette, and just below it was a small caption saying "If a person repents his mistakes, heaven awaits him".

The Picture found in the front page of the newspaper

Schirato and Yell (1996) explained how texts shapes contexts, and contexts shapes texts. This can be argued in the Makkal Osai's case. When a reader reads the text ("If a person repents his mistakes, heaven awaits him") they quickly will have an understanding that it touches religion, Likewise, by studying the context (the picture of Jesus Christ smoking), they quickly understand that its something controversial. This can be further backed up by, Shriver (1997) who claim that there two type of readers, the knowledge-driven and the text-driven. The knowledge-driven readers, will automatically understand the whole concept of the picture, using knowledge and social awareness. He/She will interpret the image as a creative and humorous motion in presenting a meaning. However, the text-driven interacts or relies more on the visuals or verbal signs. Hence, these readers will misunderstand the whole idea and meaning of the message, as they would assume that by the picture and the text, they (Makal Osai) is infact belittling or critisizing their religion.

Makkal's Osai's intention was infact with good intention, however they failed to study who were their readers. Hence, the result is that it had created confusion and anger among the Christian community (Shriver, 1997), finally leading to the dismisal of the Makkal Osai's publications permit. Thus its very important that document designers study their general readers and also, prevent the usages of religion based criticism caricatures or cartoons in designs.


The Star 2007, Makkal Osai Suspended, Viewed 16th June 2009,

Schriver, KA 1997, Dynamics in document design: creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Publication, New York

Schirato,T , Yell, S 1996, Chapter 5: Framing Context, Communications and Cultural literacies: An Introduction, pp. 90- 117

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