Sunday, June 14, 2009

You Tube: Hub for the Talented to shine...

Lets face it, the Internet remains one of the most complex but addictive piece of technology ever created. As the years pass by, the Internet too grows, which means more Web 2.0 sites like social networking sites, video sharing and such are born. The advent of Web 2.0 websites marks the day when media publications transforms into a more better, modern and appealing form. Here are some of the new media publishing that exists to date:

My personal favourite would be the You Tube, a video sharing website. Garfield (2006) cites Jarvis who states the You Tube phenomenon as "Exploding Tv" as it is practically expanding faster than anything esle! (nearly 100 million videostreams a day!!). This video sharing website has since than become a very popular hub for people to show their talents and it has proven to be a great influence to them and the public. "Talent finding" (the way I put it) is one of the new media trends. Amateurs of various cultures who post their videos are actually being watched by companies or professionals. Curtis James Jackson III or "50 cent" (rapper, singer and executive producer), for example, had launched a contest in You Tube, in an attempt to find new talents (, 2007). Besides that, some amateures actually garner support and recognition worldwide, of their works. Amateurs Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda created a parody of the "Star Wars" film called "Chad Vader". The video was posted on You Tube and there was a tremendous chain reaction after that! According to Callender (2007), it became the biggest hit in 2006, in You Tube. The amateur directors then used celebrities into their shows, like Jessica Lee Rose, and Terra Naomi. Up til now their videos are still being screened in You Tube, and in the process has garnered many awards and even recognitions in several companies (, 2009)

("Chad Vader" (Parody of Star Wars), created by two
amateurs, became a big hit in You Tube and in the
Internet; netting in various awards and recognitions.)

is not the only one who gets the limelight! Politicians such as Barack Obama, used You Tube as a place to communicate and connect with young voters (Farber, 2008). He also states, that Obama and his team chose You Tube because in terms of uploading files they can create their own branded, video-sharing service neutral video player that allows anyone in the world to embed the content.

(Barrack Obama used You Tube to connect and persuade the
young voters to vote him)

Hence, You Tube is a new form of media publishing that has influenced or basically created a trend among the society, and also brought in political campaigning strategies too!


50 Cent to find new talent on You Tube 2007,, viewed 14th June 2009

Garfield, B 2006, You Tube vs. Boob Tube,, viewed 14th June 2009

Heffernan, V 2006, Web Guitar Wizard Revealed at Last, New York Times, viewed 14th June 2009 <>

Farber, D 2008, Obama appoints You Tube as secretary of video,, viewed 14th June 2009 <>

Callender, D 2007, In a city Far, Far Away from Hollywood, the You Tube tales of a lesser Vasder, New York Times, viewed 14th June 2009

Press Page 2009, Blame Society Production Press, viewed 14th June 2009

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